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What are BINDING AGENTS? & How to use them!

Learn what Binding Agents are and how to use them in Gluten-Free Baking.

Welcome to my HOW TO GLUTEN-FREE SERIES – Part 3 Thank you ever so much for joining me for Part 3 of my How to Gluten-Free Series! Today will answer the questions, What are BINDING AGENTS & How to use them? I hope to clarify why you need to use BINDERS in your Gluten-Free Baking […]

How to create your own Gluten-Free Flour Blend!

How to CREATE your own Gluten-Free Flour Blend. I hope to provide you with the skills to make your own blend as well as give you the details of how to make my Crazy Good Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour, a great blend to use as a starting point, a substitute for All-Purpose Flour or for unlimited Gluten-Free baking recipes! gluten free flour blend, gluten free flours, gluten free, gluten free flour mix

Learn how to make your own Crazy Good Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour Blend! This lovely gluten free flour blend is made from 100% natural ingredients with no xanthan gum or guar gum! All you need to do is add a binder to suit your recipe and I’ll show you how!

How to make almost ANY recipe Gluten-Free in 3-Simple Steps!

How to make any recipe gluten free! Find out when and how you can swap wheat flours for gluten free flours in a one to one ratio. how to go gluten free, gluten free recipes, make a recipe gluten free, vegetarian recipes

Learn how to make any recipe (including vegetarian ones) gluten free in 3 simple steps without anyone being the wiser! My sincere hope is that by creating this series, I can prevent you from experiencing some of the growing pains that I went through when switching to Gluten-Free! The goal is to give you as many tools as possible so that you may enjoy ALL of your family favourites again without worrying about the gluten content.

Healthier Chia Infused Indian Butter Chicken

A healthier version of a classic Indian favourite!

Mouth watering healthier butter chicken recipe with the benefits of ground chia seed! This healthier version of the infamous Indian Butter Chicken will delight everyone in the families taste buds and leave you wanting more!

Powerful Healing Turmeric Latte

This powerfully healing Turmeric steamed milk (aka Golden Latte) is sure to boost your energy, help you fight off cold & flu season & delight your taste buds at the same time! Turmeric Latte, turmeric steamed milk, golden latte recipe, easy turmeric latte, healing latte, evening latte, pick me up, caffeine free healing latte, immunity boosting recipes

Simple, Delicious, and Healthy Turmeric Latte! This golden latte is made with all natural healthy, immunity boosting ingredients to help you get through this cold & flu seaason! Naturally caffeine free, this delicious latte can be sipped before bedtime or anytime!

Savoury Chickpea and Potato Stew (Channa Bateta)

Channa Bateta is an East African / Indian vegetarian stew made with potatoes and chickpeas

Channa Bateta is an East African / Indian vegetarian stew made with potatoes and chickpeas.  My friend Alnaar makes it all the time and helped develop this Savoury Chickpea and Potato Stew (Channa Bateta)recipe for me. It tastes amazing and because of the chickpeas, its also pretty healthy! If you have read my other posts, […]

Hot & Tangy Tamarind Ambli Chutney

Hot & Tangy Tamarind Chutney, East African Indian Recipe, Indian Chutney

My friend Alnaar created this recipe for me. She told me that when she was little she would eat it like candy, but now she finds it way too sour!  She still loves tamarind chutney however, and I have to say, so do I!  This post is my wonderful friend Alnaar’s mom’s recipe for tamarind […]

Spicy Green Coconut Chutney Recipe

Spicy Green Coconut Chutney pairs well with almost anything to add an amazing kick to any dish! Indian Chutney Recipe, spicy chutney, coconut chutney, Indian condiments

This chutney is my favourite!  It goes well with almost anything.  This afternoon, after whipping up a batch of coconut chutney, I made a spur of the moment decision to add it to my gluten free grilled cheese sandwich!  Oh my, it was sooooooo good.  I honestly can’t think of many foods (except of course […]

Easy Creamy Coconut Chicken Curry (Kuku Paka)

Kuku Paka is a rich, creamy coconut curry traditionally made with chicken, coconut and hard boiled eggs.  I omit the eggs in the recipe, but if you can eat them, try the traditional way! Coconut Chicken Curry, East African Indian Curry

Kuku Paka is a rich, creamy coconut curry traditionally made with chicken, coconut and hard boiled eggs.  I omit the eggs in the recipe, but if you can eat them, try the traditional way! In case you are wondering where the name of this dish came from, I will tell you!  My friend Alnaar taught […]

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