...but no more!

...but no more!

Rice Free Recipes

Here you’ll find all sorts of family friendly, international rice free recipes to meet your families specific dietary needs! From breakfast all the way through dinner, we’ve got ideas to suit everyone! Recipes to delight all in the family, not just those living rice free, gluten free or both! Bake the best rice free bakes, even make a rice free pizza crust!

Trish's Favourites

Ancient Grain Teff & Oat Gluten Free Flour – Rice Free!

Have a rice allergy or just want to eliminate rice from your diet? I’ve got you. Try this teff & oat gluten free flour blend for your next gluten free baking creation! You’ll love it! You can use this formula as a substitute in any recipe that calls for a gluten free flour blend. This ancient grain gluten-free flour blend can be used cup for cup as a replacement for all-purpose wheat flour or whole wheat flour.  Simply add a binding agent & you’re good to go!

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