Follow along with me in the video below while I make our Green Goodness Healthy Gut Powder to kickstart your gut microbiome and improve your overall well-being!✨Â
HEALTHY GUT POWDER recipe details

Healthy Gut Green Powder
Equipment Needed
- 1 Baking Tray with parchment paper
- 1 Dehydrator *optional
B - Berries
- ½ cup Dehydrated Seabuckthorne Berries (2 cups fresh) *your choice of berry
- ½ cup Deydrated Amla Berries (2 cups fresh) *your choice of berry
- ¼ cup Ashwagandha Powder
L - Leafy Greens
- 4-5 bunches Leafy Greens (spinach, kale, chard, beet greens) use 4/5 varieties
M - Mushrooms
- 2 cups Chopped Mushrooms (3-4 varieties)
S - Seeds
- ½ cup Seeds of choice (hemp hearts)
- 2 Bitter Melons
- 2-3 Tbsp Spirulina Powder
1. Gather Ingredients
- Decide on which ingredients in the categories (BALMS) you will use.
2. Wash & Dry Ingredients
- Wash and thoroughly dry all ingredients (unless they are already in powdered form).
3. Thinly Slice Ingredients to be Dehydrated
- They will dehydrate much faster if thinly sliced.
4. Dehydrate Fresh Ingredients
- Lay all of ingredients on a single layer on a parchment paper lined baking tray or in a dehydrator
- TIP: remove leafy greens from stems. The stems take longer to dehydrate so add them separately.
- Oven: bake @ 135°F (52°C) or the lowest possible temperature, for 2 hours until completely dry & crispy to the touch.Dehydrate: on low temperature overnight until completely dry & crispy to the touch.
5. Blend it all up!
- Blend leafy greens first for about 30 seconds, so that everything can fit into blender container.
- If you're not a mushroom fan, you can also blend the mushrooms next to ensure they are fully blended and no chunks remain.
- Add all other dried ingredients (including seeds) and blend until reaches a smooth powder.
How to Store Healing Gut Powder
- Pour into an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator.
How to enjoy Healing Bombs
- For kids: start off with a small amount (1/2 tsp) and add to below ideas to get them used to the flavour. Then slowly increase over a 2-4 week period.
- Smoothie: Add 1 tsp to a smoothie and blend
- Healing Shot: Whisk 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp into some 100% pure juice and drink. We like to do this each morning to start our day!
- Sprinkle on top of Stir Fry: Add 1/2 to 1 tsp on top of a stir fry.
- Sprinkle on salads: Add 1/2 tsp of powder on top of salad
- I have omitted the nutritional facts for this recipe as I have not found an accurate nutrition calculator that recognizes all of the healthful ingredients in this recipe. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated ♡.
Full write up coming soon!
I’m currently working on the full write up about your gut microbiome health so you can geek out with me! Come back soon to read and learn more about your gut microbiome and how treating it right can change your life!
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I hope you enjoy making this green goodness gut health powder! If so, please feel free to share the link to this page on your social media or PIN this picture to your Pinterest account.
I want to once again extend my deepest gratitude & thanks in advance for subscribing to my blog & YouTube Channel as well as following me & liking my posts on Pinterest, FaceBook & Instagram! All of your comments and ratings on my recipes & social media is truly one of the most supportive things you can do for me! So thank you ever so much.

3 Responses
I just came across your site and was very interested (my husband has Celiac Desies and we can’t find anything bread wise that he actually enjoys) I’m going to try your Gluten Free bread very soon. However; I also came across your healthy gut video and wanted to print the recipie. When I click on” jump to recipe, there is no recipe there. would you be able to send that to me or check the site to see if it could be added?
I appreciate what you are doing here and look forward to check into your site more indepth when I have a little free time.
Thank you,
Johna George
Hello Johna! How lovely to meet you. I am happy you found me. Oh how I can relate to your husband! I felt the same way until I started making my own breads. I sure do hope he loves some of the options I have on the site. If you’re looking for an easy start, my pizza dough is quite lovely. The bagels are also amazing. People can never believe they are gluten free.
I have to apologize as I didn’t even realize I was missing the recipe on that one. Doing all of this on my own I definitely miss things sometimes and I so very appreciate your help to catch this one! I’ll work on that right away and hope to have it live soon!
Hi again Johna,
I was able to add the recipe! Please let me know if you have any further questions. Take good care ♡