Looking for a natural, eco-friendly alternative to commercial waxes? This simple yet effective hard wax recipe made from beeswax and pine gum resin with no waxing strips required. It’s perfect for sensitive skin and leaves you feeling smooth and radiant!
Living with special dietary needs means being mindful of everything I put on and in my body! The skin is the largest organ in the body, so I want to make sure that anything that could be absorbed by my skin or scalp doesn’t contain any harmful additives or activating foods!
Why Choose This DIY Wax?
🌿 Natural Ingredients: Beeswax and pine gum resin are natural, renewable resources with antibacterial properties. No chemicals or artificial fragrances, just beeswax and pine gum resin!
🌞 Effective Grip: The combination of beeswax and resin provides strong hair-gripping capabilities, making it effective for removing even coarse hair.
🌍 Eco-Friendly: Reduce your environmental footprint by opting for natural ingredients that are biodegradable and sustainable.
💜 Gentle Yet Effective: Perfect for sensitive facial skin, it effectively removes unwanted hair without irritating the skin and leaving minimal redness!
💰 Cost-Effective: Save money compared to store-bought waxes while knowing exactly what goes on your skin.
Ingredients in the best eyebrow wax
* Optional Customization: 5-10 drops of essential oil (choose your favourite)
What are beeswax and pine gum resin?

Where can I buy beeswax and pine gum resin?
I bought my ingredients from a lcoal store in Calgary called Soap and More. However, I have added links to Amazon if you’d prefer to purchase there.
How to make the best eyebrow wax
1. Measure & melt ingredients
In a wax warmer, a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl placed over a pot of simmering water, melt
🐝 20g Beeswax Pellets
🌲 80g Pine Gum Resin (or Rosin)
1 part beeswax : 4 parts pine gum resin. Stir occasionally until fully melted and combined. Be cautious with heat; resin can ignite if exposed to direct flame.
2. mix thoroughly
Once melted, stir the mixture well with the applicator to ensure the resin is fully incorporated into the beeswax. The resin adds grip and flexibility to the wax, making it ideal for hair removal.
3. cool completely until hardened
Allow mixture to completely cool until it hardens.
4. break apart into small pieces (wax beads)
Break apart the solid mass with your hands and or cut with a sharp knife into small pieces or beads. This is now your hard wax to use as you normally would a commercial hard wax! It is that easy!
how to use hard wax for the best eyebrow wax!
I am not a waxing professional. I am just someone who likes to use 100% natural products on my skin, and avoid those harsh chemicals and additives, that are not only bad for me, but also for my microbiome and the environment. Plus, making my own DIY hard wax and waxing my own eyebrows saves me tons of money! Please consult a professional, or watch one of the numerous videos out there by professionals for tips on how to shape eyebrows and most effectively remove unwanted hair. Here I will share what I do and have found success in for myself. I hope it helps 💜!

1. melt hard wax beads
In a wax warmer (recommended), a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl placed over a pot of simmering water, melt the desired amount of DIY hard wax pieces. Use just enough to cover the area you wish to wax. Stir occasionally until fully melted and combined.
2. slightly cool wax to a honey like consistency
Turn the heat down slightly to 130-160F (54-70C) but make sure to read your warmers instructions as to what temperature wax should be applied as each warmer can be slightly different. Ensure to mix the wax with your applicator while it is cooling. Test a small amount on your wrist to check the temperature and consistency before applying it to your face.
TIP: Choose the right size applicator for the area you’re waxing. If you’re waxing your eyebrows I’d recommend using a small wooden applicator like I do in the video. This will allow you to have more accurate shaping with your wax application.
3. Prepare skin for hair removal
Tie long hair back off the face. Then clean and completely dry your face and desired area to wax.
3. Apply wax & remove unwanted hair
Using an appropriate sized spatula or applicator stick, apply a layer of wax to your clean, dry skin in the direction of hair growth. Slide the applicator back and forth to leave a thicker edge – see video (no tapering at ends which will cause the wax to break). Careful not to overload your applicator or it may drip into your eye!
Let it harden for about 5 seconds. Once the wax is no longer sticky to the touch, flip down the end (like a handle) so you can pull in the opposite direction of hair growth.
Pull the skin above the flap taught the the opposite direction, then grab the “handle” and quickly pull wax off in the opposite direction of hair growth.
*TIP: remove wax within 5-10 seconds or wax will break!
4. Repeat applying wax and removing all unwanted hair
Continue waxing in small sections (<1″ long and 1/4″ wide). Ensure that you go slow when placing the eyebrow wax so you can achieve the desired shape. This is why I recommend doing very small sections so that the wax doesn’t harden to quickly while you are slowly applying.
5. After care of waxed skin
After waxing, you can optionally soothe your skin with a gentle moisturizer, coconut oil, or aloe vera gel to calm any redness or irritation. I find this homemade wax to be so very gentle that I don’t need to do anything at all! I hope you find the same positive results as I do!
Full How to Recipe
DIY Hard Wax - Eyebrow wax
- 1 Wooden Wax Stick
- 20 g Beeswax
- 80 g Pine Gum Resin
- 1 tsp Hand Sanitizer or Coconut Oil / Olive Oil to remove any wax residue
1. Measure & melt ingredients
- In a wax warmer, a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl placed over a pot of simmering water, melt 20g Beeswax Pellets & 80g Pine Gum Resin (or Rosin)
- Stir occasionally until fully melted and combined. Be cautious with heat; resin can ignite if exposed to direct flame.
2. Mix thoroughly
- Once melted, stir the mixture well with the applicator to ensure the resin is fully incorporated into the beeswax.
3. Cool completely until hardened & break apart into small pieces (wax beads)
- Allow mixture to completely cool until it hardens. Break apart the solid mass with your hands and or cut with a sharp knife into small pieces or beads. This is now your hard wax to use as you normally would a commercial hard wax! It is that easy!
TO USE HARDWAX: see post above for detailed instructions on how to use this gentle hardwax to remove any unwanted hair!
TIPS FOR SAFE USE OF homemade hard wax
- AVOID INHALATION OF POWDERED PINE RESIN: If the pine resin is a powder, ensure to wear a mask and take care when adding it to the warmer. This will decrease the possibility of inhaling the powder into your lungs.
- USE RIGHT SIZE APPLICATOR: depending on what area of the body you are waxing, you may want to chose a smaller or larger wooden spatula as your applicator. For small areas like the face, use a small applicator to achieve more accurate and defined shaping.
- DON’T SHARE WAX OR RE-USE APPLICATORS: When applying the wax, ensure to use a clean applicator. I recommend heating up only the amount of wax that you need for the specific wax job. This eliminates any contamination of your wax.
- WHEN WAXING NEAR THE SHAPE OF THE EYEBROW: Ensure not to add to much wax to your applicator to prevent dripping. Take your time and apply the wax in small sections (smaller than you think you need to).
- TO REMOVE RESIDUE: If any residue is left on your skin after removing the wax, simply pick it off gently or use a little coconut oil or olive oil. The wax will slide right off!
Please watch my how to video to see me preventing these mistakes in action! It really is easy even for a beginner so don’t let these common errors deter you from giving it a try!
First, don’t panic and try and pull it off while the wax is still soft! The hair will most likely come with it potentially leaving you with a bald spot! Simply put a little hand sanitizer or oil (e.g. coconut oil) on your finger and dab it on the spot. It will then wipe off easily.
To prevent breakage follow these tips:
- ensure wax is the correct temperature (warm honey consistency)
- wax to cold: harden to quickly = break!
- wax to hot: burn & application will be to thin = break!
- ensure to remove the wax within 5-10 seconds. If you leave it on to long it will break!
- ensure wax is applied thick enough: to thin = break!
- ensure wax is the correct temperature (warm honey consistency)
how to clean up eyebrow wax
Our hard wax is oil soluble & soluble in alcohol!
- Isopropyl alcohol placed on a cotton swab will easily clean this wax off your wax warmer.
- Recommend using a silicone bowl in your wax warmer as it is SO much easier to clean!
- Any oil will also clean up wax spills e.g. coconut oil or olive oil.
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I hope you enjoy this super easy DIY Hard Wax tutorial! If so, please feel free to share the link to this page on your social media or PIN this picture to your Pinterest account.
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