Sourdough Starters
Here you’ll find easy to follow video series that will walk you through absolutely everything you need to know in order to have success making a sourdough starter from scratch! With just a few simple tools, my videos, flour & water absolutely anyone can make a healthy & vital sourdough starter! Whether you would like to make a regular wheat sourdough culture or a gluten free sourdough culture I’ve got a video series for you!
Let's make a sourdough starter from scratch!
Simple click one of the buttons or the pictures to choose the type of sourdough starter culture you’d like to make to get started right now! I’ll walk you through creating a gluten free or wheat sourdough starter from scratch, to baking your 1st loaf, using your sourdough discard, creating sourdough bakes, and how to maintain and care for your sourdough starter. Enjoy ♥︎
Sourdough Recipes to suit ALL dietary needs!
Except for my wheat sourdough loaf, all of my delicious sourdough recipes are gluten-free, vegan and allergen-friendly. You will not find wheat, eggs, corn, peanuts, nuts, or soy in the ingredients, and most are free of dairy and legumes.
My sincere hope is that no matter what your dietary needs, some of these nutritious baked goods will be the perfect fit for you. If you’re unsure, ask your medical professional about your specific food allergies or sensitivities.
Please ask your cooking/baking questions at the bottom of each recipe. You can find VIDEO TUTORIALS for many of these recipes on the TurmericMeCrazy YouTube channel! Please subscribe to my website & YouTube Channel to help them grow so I can afford to spend more time creating videos & recipes for you ♥︎!