(Day 1 to Day 4: Quickie 60-90 second Videos)
*Please note: only Day 1-4 are available as quick vidoes. Days 5-14 are full videos which you can find here.
Make a gluten free or wheat sourdough starter with me! No time to spare today? I’ve got your back! Here you’ll find “quickie” (60-90 second) instructional videos for each day in your journey! In just 14 days your sourdough culture will be powerful enough to create an amazing artisan sourdough loaf!
If you’re short on time, please feel free to use the below videos to ensure your starter stays on the right track. It is a work in progress so please check back soon if the day you’re looking for is not quite ready yet (so far only Day 1-4 are quickie. Once you hit Day 5, please head back to the full videos. Make sure to watch all of the Full Daily Videos when you have a moment as you’ll learn SO much there!
This daily video series will take you through all you need to know to make a gluten free sourdough culture from scratch! On this page you’ll find the “Quickie Versions” of the videos in case you don’t have time to watch the entire videos.

Click on the type of sourdough starter you’d like to make to get the ultimate sourdough culture FULL length video guides! The Sorghum Starter & Brown Rice Starter are completely Gluten Free!

This daily how to make a sourdough starter video series that will walk you through how to make a sourdough starter (gluten free or wheat) from start to making your 1st loaf! Join me on this video tutorial journey to create a gluten free & a wheat sourdough starter! I will share with you everything you need to know to create a lively, active, bubbly & powerful sourdough culture that you can use to make the most incredibly tasty & beautiful artisan bread! Anyone can make gorgeous artisan bread (whether you’re gluten free or not) and it is within your reach! Watch this video to for all the instructions you’ll need for Day 1 in the evening of your sourdough journey with me!
Click on the below buttons to jump to the day of your sourdough journey & watch the quick 60-90 second instructional videos! Day 5 and onward are available as Full Videos HERE.
This video series is a work in progress so please check back soon if the day you’re looking for is not quite ready yet.
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If you’re already on Pinterest, please feel free to PIN the picture below for future reference & so others can find it too 🙏🏻

Running short on time, no worries, I’ve got your back! I’ve created a “Quickie Version” (60-90 seconds) of each of the daily videos which you’ll find below, but please ensure you watch the full video later to make sure we’re on the same page!
I know you’ll just love this easy to follow daily video series to help you make your own sourdough starter from scratch! If you try it, please add a rating onto the recipe above or at the top of the post as it helps Google recognize the recipe & my website which will help show it to more people. I’d love to see our community grow! ♡
Let’s make a sourdough starter starting April 1st! I’m not fooling 🤣!

4 Responses
Love this series!
Thank you!
I’m looking forward to learning how to make gluten free sour dough bread!
Yay! It is such a challenge for people who avoid gluten but I hope that this will make it a lot easier ☺️!